Thursday, May 6, 2010


i dont see anyone commenting...
do you know when you comment it helps the writer realize that you love their stories??? and it boosts up their self confidence and start posting more often.. i might post today bs matwaqa3 im sick with the flu


  1. noo don't be upset! ur story is great! i honestly dont comment on any of the blogs i follow bs walla ksartay 5a6ry w i dont want u too feel down! keep it up ur story is very good and dont let this lower self confidence.. there are a lot of silent readers out there and im one of them :*** hope you feel better!

  2. hehe thanks alot.. 7bebtii inshallah ..

  3. Hiiii i just so yur blog
    im going to read nw w i will tell u wht i think ;)

  4. salamtich 7beebti...
    i'm reading...
    oo i'll always comment, i promise u...
    bas la tez3eleen if u don't get comments...
    i sometimes don't get alot...
    oo bdayti i didn't have any comments lein wa9alt post 7 aw 8...
    oo az3al shway...
    bas as more people know you're writing oo yshoofooich dedicated they will tell others...
    word of mouth...
    oo ra7 y9eer 3ndich more followers oo readers...
    oo fee nas wayed yegron bas they don't comment...
    so don't write for the comments...
    write for yourself...
    and if the comments come then 7ayahom allah...
    so la tez3eleen 7beebti...
    it's a good plot...
    keep up the good work...
    just feel better first...
    love u...
    take care of yourself...

  5. thanks 7awoora alaah esalmich ...... 7bebtii eee ii know ur right.. this is my first time so im learning hehe.. la inshalla fe post tonight
