Wednesday, May 5, 2010

starstruck 8

nasser entered the house and his head was down... it seems like he was crying or something i dont know let me ask him.

Sarah: nasser.. eshfeeek

Nasser: walashai

Sarah: nasser mara7 as2al again ta3al eg3ad and tell me

Nasser: you know about ummm umm u knoww lulu

Sarah: eee oo 6aradtha men baitna hal child molester

Nasser: she is NOT oo ana A7iBHA ooo i dont care if u two are besties but i love her actually we love each other and i know shes older than me eb waiiid bs sarah be happy for me


Nasser: lat9ar5eeen ! al7eeen yesmi3una il yeraaaan! bs a7ibha deal with it

" just like that he left... oo hal kalba lulwooo shofay esawat feeena ufffff !"

Dialling lulu

Nasser; 7bebti wana go with me somewhere quiet aby anam ehnak bshalainaaa

Lulu:: ee 7bebi ok bs shagul 7ag ahale

Nasser: tell them betnameeen 3indina ooo yala ten minutes pick me up men jam3iyat il nuzhaaa na6rich

Lulu: inshalla

" i saw nasser running down the stairs he yelled something about sleeping bil chalets with his friends.. i let him be cuz he needs time to think"

Incoming call arraya

arraya: SARAH

sarah: yeah

Arraya: namai 3indinaaa zoji safar

Sarah: kay be there in 15 min

" my sis lives in surra ... in an apartment actually because she doesnt want to live with his family etgul no privacy.. hehe so true>"

Diallaing Fahad

Sarah:; alo hi

Fahad: halaaaaa

Sarah: 7ayati bru7 anam 3ind e5te ebsheqatha

Fahad: ee rou7ay qairay jaw eshweya ..

Sarah: eee adre ana i called to tell u

fahad: ee go go 7bebty

sarah; k bye

" i got into my austin ... and drove all the way to surra .. 6ab3an on the way ma buga a7ad ma athane it was sooo annoying marat akrah demashq bs today i was in the mood to cruise a little.. anyways .. tawne we9alt shiqat e5te wela ashooof wa7daa tawha 6al3a min bait yeranhum she looks familiar .. waiid bs madri minooo uff kaifhaaaa nezalt men esayra oo dashait da5el"


arraya: josieee open the dooor for sarah please

Josie: oqay maadam

Araya: dont call me madam im still young im 27 !

josie : oqaaay hehe

" i can hear araya yelling hehe sometimes i think shes high ons omething but naaah thats just my hyper sis! i love her to death.."

incoming call Danah

Sarah: alo

Danah: hii how r u

Sarah Fine


Sarah yupsss

Dana: i guess u heard bout lulz and naz right

Sarah yes dont wanna talk about it

Dana: i know bs bgulich ena they do love each other.

Sarah: whatever listen i dont agree with thiss... a7es its very wrong! 7aram nasser yahel!

dana: adri babes bs khalas love is love u cant do anything to stop it..

Sarah: i know listen bnam 3ind arooooy akalmich tomorrow k

Dana: k bye

sarah : bye

" i was sitting on the couch next to the window facing damscus highway.. and i was thinking of lulu and nasser... ya3ne its wrong i know it iss,,, shlun 5alat nafesha etsawe chethy ,, wae3333 ... oo she didnt tell me she hid it from me ... im hurt and dont know what to do bs all i know is that lulu and i are done oo i hope nasser wakes up one day from his dream."

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