Friday, May 21, 2010

love kills 4

" I woke up the next day I had this heavy feeling in my heart! I couldn't sleep well I missed him 7beby waked ohwa
Kan ga3ed e7ateeeni ana lazm adg 3alai lazm! 6ala3t bara my room to check itha my parents were home bs
7mdilla they weren't so I took the oppurtunity ena to use the house phone "

Dialling 99.....

Khaled: aloo

Farah: kkhallid! ( Crying!)

Khalid: 7bebty ESHFECH! I was so worried about u maradaitay 3ala my msgs oo ur phone emsakar!

Farah: 6aguniii khaloodi.. Ma9adegaw ena we actually love each other!

Khalid: omg 7bebty I'm soo sorry this happened to you!

Farah: khaled et7bneee

Khaled: amooot 3alaich 7bebty

Farah: will you do something for me

Khalid: anything

Farah: will you call my mother now and tell her that u are seriouse

Khalid: ok give me the number

Farah: 996.....

Khalid: akalmha wadg 3la baitkum 5alech next to the phone

Farah: ok 7beby thnx

" I sat next to the phone like a crazy maniac!!! I waited for 5 minutes bs it seemed like two hours!"

The phone ranf!


Khaled: baby!

Farah: 6ameni e9ar!

Khaled: she is ok with us being together getlaha aby atzawejich! Later on!

Farah: u do!

Khaled: akeed I am seriouse!!!

Farah; wow

Khaled: go take ur mobile and call me! Ur mom said it was ok!

Farah: ok!

" I ran to mamas room snatched my phone chiny awal mara ashooofa!!!! , mama called the house oo kalematne
She told me she approves and he seems seriouse oo el daleel ena kalamnee ana umich! Ma7ad yetjara2 bs he
Risked it for u! Walah wild nas oo aby ashoofa bacher ba6al3kum, I was so happy I told her I loved her she just laughed at me
And said go talk to him"


  1. looooooooooool now 7abait her mum zooqaaa ;**** 3ajeeeeeeeb elpost ;D please post ba3ad

  2. thanks 7bebty that is actually my mom... this is a very true story bs the names are different...
