Sunday, May 16, 2010

starstruck 25

" lulu and nasser were inseperable after the incident that happened their love grew stronger, and now that we know what really happened to her in the past that made her the way she is... is cinsidered ok! because it is not her fault. Faisal and arraya are ok with nasser getting back to lulu and leaving faye.. faisal wasnt ok with it because its his sister... but i told him that nasser and i will talk to her and see what she has to say,.."

faye:ee 7bebyy agoolik nasser mu ehneee... ba3ad shasawe enta geltli matabeni atzawejik

mysteriouse man: fayoon and getlich lazem akawen nafse.... bs entay u made things harder... by getting married you didnt wait for me!

faye: la walla eyeni wa7ed eyanen oo arfetha 3shan 7athritik taby etkawen nafsik...

mysteriouse man : ana asif 7agich 3alai yala te6alegai aby atqadamlich !

faye: im glad eb 7arakteee hathi 7arakt shay da5el galbik!

mysteriouse man: u did this to make me jealouse !

faye: AKEED

mysteriouse man: are u a virgin did u let him touch u

faye: NO

mysteriouse man: good it shows enich it7ibneee

faye: I DO

" e7na re7na bait lulu oo ana ooo na9ooor tawna dasheeen il bait"

Faye: akalmich ba3dain yalla bye

nasser: eshfeech met5a9biga!

faye: ha ma feeni shay akalim umy

nasser: ee ok ge3dai bakalmich ebmawthu3

faye: me too

nasser: you first

faye: no you


faye: i want a divorce.....

nasser: why

faye: fay explained everything to him .. (he was surprised ena faye chethy .. wala el banat they can trick u ! ) oo hathi esalfa

nasser: entay 6aleg

faye: ebhalsohoola i didnt think u would agreee

nasser: leana 7atan ana ma7ibech ana a7ib lulu ooo abeeeha

faye: i am glad its settled then .. mino begul 7ag faisal

sarah: i will

" i went back home to find faisal making a salad.. i ran up to his side gave him a soft kiss on his lips and i asked him to sit down .. i told him the whole salfa kan 7ada em3a9b yaby e6ig faye! bs getla khalas everything happens for a reason oo na9ooor mu ne9ebhaaa... oo hatha ili it7ibaaa ebyetqadamlaaaaha"

faye: 7beeby ana te6alagt

mysteriouse man: lA WALLA MEDACH

faye: yup 6ela3 hes in love with someone else...

myseteriouse man: mita ayeech 7bebty !

faye: kaifik!

mysteriouse man : ok 7bebty eshwey wdg bye

incoming call 997........

faisal: mino dag hal 7aza esa3a 10 belail

sarah: shoof mino

faisal: aloooo

man: esalam 3alaikum o5oi

faisal: 3alaikum esalam

man: ana asif adig 3alaik hal 7azaaaa bs ana a7ib faye e5tikkk oo en7ib ba3ath men sinna after her incident weya her fiancee we met ... oo we hit it off oo getlaha tan6erne eshweya 3ala ma akawen nafse ,,, bs alah ehadeha ma en6erat oo tezawejat oo al7eeeen adri enha lail7en et7bnee oo ana abeeha 3la sinnat alah oo rasollla

faisal: faye emwafqa

man: eee faisal

faisal: khal umik etdg 3alaina after one week etkun salfat 6alaghaa 6a5at eshweya

man: inshalla mashkoura femanallah

faisal: bye

man: 7bebty fayoona

faye: hmmm

man : nimtay

faye : hmmmmmmmm

man: wainich

faye: 3ind nasser ooo la2 nasser mu ehneee ohwa 3ind luluwa

man: eeee abeech eshlun

faye: e56ebneee

man: i did oo u5uch wafaq


man: ehhehe walaaaa! WALAAAA!


man:a dri baby FINALLY

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